Having a theme in the classroom is something that I find fun and engaging for students. In December, we had a Gingerbread man that left rhyming poems on our morning message each day. The kids loved it and couldn't wait to see what message he left! During the last week, we had a Leprechaun in our classroom. He is the Gingerbread Man's friend, and he is very sneaky. He loooooves letters. In fact, he stole letters from our Morning Message! That sneaky Leprechaun ;)
Our job was to locate him every morning and get our letters back. We attached them back on to the message with tape. You can't trick us, leprechaun!
The kids adored this, and without them even realizing it, they were practicing phonological awareness! The Leprechaun would take letters from any part of the word and the whole class would work together to put them back. I was amazed at how well the kids did :)
On Friday, we set traps for the leprechaun for Monday (Today is St. Patrick's day, but right now we're stuck at home with our 11th snow day). I wonder if we will catch him!